Program Committee

Mary Chapman (Professor, University of British Columbia) is the Director of the Winnifred Eaton Archive. She is the author of Becoming Sui Sin Far: Early Fiction, Journalism and Travel Writing by Edith Eaton and is currently writing a microhistory of the Eaton family.

Jean Lee Cole (Professor Emerita, Loyola University Maryland) is the Senior Consultant on the Winnifred Eaton Archive. She is the author of Literary Voices of Winnifred Eaton: Redefining Ethnicity and Authenticity and How the Other Half Laughs: The Comic Sensibility in American Culture, as well as co-editor of John Luther Long: Madame Butterfly and Onoto Watanna: A Japanese Nightingale

Jason Wiens (Professor, University of Calgary) is a Canadian Literature scholar and professor in the English Department at the University of Calgary.

Joey Takeda (Developer, Digital Humanities Innovation Lab, Simon Fraser University) is the Technical Director of the Winnifred Eaton Archive. His MA thesis was a critical digital edition of Winnifred Eaton’s His Royal Nibs (1925). His DH projects include The Map of Early Modern London, Landscapes of Injustice, and The Lyon in Mourning. His work has appeared in Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Digital Studies/le Champ Numérique, and Making Things and Drawing Boundaries: Experiments in the Digital Humanities or is forthcoming in Digital Humanities Quarterly and Legacy.

Sydney Lines (PhD Candidate, UBC) is Project Manager of the Winnifred Eaton Archive and Project Manager, Strategic Initiatives at the UBC Public Humanities Hub. She holds an MA in English and an MA in Creative Enterprise and Cultural Leadership from Arizona State University where she worked on various DH projects like WomenWriters, The Wassaja Project, and the Museum of the Urban Desert. Her work has appeared in Oxford Bibliographies in American Literature and is forthcoming in Legacy. She is writing a dissertation on Winnifred Eaton and Icelandic Canadian author Laura Goodman Salverson.

Heidi Rennert (PhD Candidate, UBC) is writing a dissertation on science and technology, domesticity, and nineteenth-century literature. She is a Graduate Academic Assistant with the Public Humanities Hub, a Research Assistant for the Winnifred Eaton Archive, and a coordinator for the Winnifred Eaton Conference.

Jennifer McDougall (English Master’s student, U Calgary) is a Research Assistant to the conference team. Her thesis-in-progress is a novella about professional women leading change in Alberta’s natural resource extraction industry and the entangled issues of resource stewardship, the physical and mental well-being of workers, corporate economic production, and responsible scientific and technological progress.
“Onoto Watanna’s Cattle @ 100” would not be possible without the support of the following:
- The Winnifred Eaton Archive
- University of Calgary (Faculty of Arts, Department of English, School for the Creative and Performing Arts, Department of Communication, Media and Film, and Archives & Special Collections)
- University of British Columbia (Public Humanities Hub and the Faculty of Arts)
- Digital Humanities Innovation Lab, Simon Fraser University Library
- Calgary Chinese Cultural Center
- Calgary Institute for the Humanities
- Calgary Public Library
- Historic Calgary Week
- Shelf Life Books
- Good Earth Coffeehouse
This conference is supported in part by funds from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).